1. ================
  2. Releasing Blosc
  3. ================
  4. :Author: Francesc Alted
  5. :Contact:
  6. :Date: 2014-01-15
  7. Preliminaries
  8. -------------
  9. - Make sure that ``RELEASE_NOTES.rst`` and ``ANNOUNCE.rst`` are up to
  10. date with the latest news in the release.
  11. - Check that *VERSION* symbols in blosc/blosc.h contains the correct info.
  12. Testing
  13. -------
  14. Create a new build/ directory, change into it and issue::
  15. $ cmake ..
  16. $ cmake --build .
  17. $ ctest
  18. To actually test Blosc the hard way, look at the end of:
  20. where instructions on how to intensively test (and benchmark) Blosc
  21. are given.
  22. Tagging
  23. -------
  24. - Create a tag ``X.Y.Z`` from ``master``. Use the next message::
  25. $ git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m "Tagging version X.Y.Z"
  26. - Push the tag to the github repo::
  27. $ git push --tags
  28. Announcing
  29. ----------
  30. - Send an announcement to the blosc, pytables-dev, bcolz and
  31. comp.compression lists. Use the ``ANNOUNCE.rst`` file as skeleton
  32. (possibly as the definitive version).
  33. Post-release actions
  34. --------------------
  35. - Edit *VERSION* symbols in blosc/blosc.h in master to increment the
  36. version to the next minor one (i.e. X.Y.Z --> X.Y.(Z+1).dev).
  37. - Create new headers for adding new features in ``RELEASE_NOTES.rst``
  38. and add this place-holder instead:
  39. #XXX version-specific blurb XXX#
  40. - Commit the changes::
  41. $ git commit -a -m"Post X.Y.Z release actions done"
  42. $ git push
  43. That's all folks!
  44. .. Local Variables:
  45. .. mode: rst
  46. .. coding: utf-8
  47. .. fill-column: 70
  48. .. End: