=============== Releasing bcolz =============== :Author: Francesc Alted :Contact: francesc@blosc.org :Date: 2014-07-20 Preliminaries ------------- * Make sure that ``RELEASE_NOTES.rst`` and ``ANNOUNCE.rst`` are up to date with the latest news in the release. * Commit your changes:: $ git commit -a -m"Getting ready for X.Y.Z final" * Once a year: check that the copyright year in ``LICENSES/BCOLZ.txt`` and in ``docs/conf.py`` is up to date. Tagging ------- * Create a tag ``X.Y.Z`` from ``master``. Use the next message:: $ git tag -a X.Y.Z -m "Tagging version X.Y.Z" Note: For release candidates, just add a rcN suffix to tag ("X.Y.ZrcN"). * Or, alternatively, make a signed tag (requires gpg correctly configured):: $ git tag -s X.Y.Z -m "Tagging version X.Y.Z" * Push the tag to the Github repo:: $ git push $ git push --tags Testing ------- * After compiling, run:: $ PYTHONPATH=. (or "set PYTHONPATH=." on Win) $ export PYTHONPATH=. (not needed on Win) $ python -c "import bcolz; bcolz.test(heavy=True)" * Run the test suite in different platforms (at least Linux and Windows) and make sure that all tests passes. Packaging --------- * Make sure that you are in a clean directory. The best way is to re-clone and re-build:: $ cd /tmp $ git clone git@github.com:Blosc/bcolz.git $ cd bcolz $ python setup.py build_ext * Check that all Cython generated ``*.c`` files are present. * Make the tarball with the command:: $ python setup.py sdist Do a quick check that the tarball is sane. Uploading --------- * Upload it also in the PyPi repository:: $ python setup.py sdist upload Announcing ---------- * Send an announcement to the bcolz, blosc, pydata and python-announce lists. Use the ``ANNOUNCE.rst`` file as skeleton (or possibly as the definitive version). * Tweet about the new release and rejoice! Post-release actions -------------------- * Create new headers for adding new features in ``RELEASE_NOTES.rst`` and add this place-holder instead: #XXX version-specific blurb XXX# * Commit your changes with: $ git commit -a -m"Post X.Y.Z release actions done" That's all folks! .. Local Variables: .. mode: rst .. coding: utf-8 .. fill-column: 70 .. End: