--------- Tutorials --------- This section has been moved to ipython notebook `tutorials`_. .. _tutorials: https://github.com/Blosc/bcolz/blob/master/docs/tutorials.ipynb Tutorial on carray objects ========================== This section has been moved to ipython notebook `tutorial_carray`_. .. _tutorial_carray: https://github.com/Blosc/bcolz/blob/master/docs/tutorial_carray.ipynb Tutorial on ctable objects ========================== This section has been moved to ipython notebook `tutorial_ctable`_. .. _tutorial_ctable: https://github.com/Blosc/bcolz/blob/master/docs/tutorial_ctable.ipynb Writing bcolz extensions ======================== Did you like bcolz but you couldn't find exactly the functionality you were looking for? You can write an extension and implement complex operations on top of bcolz containers. Before you start writing your own extension, let's see some examples of real projects made on top of bcolz: - `Bquery`: a query and aggregation framework, among other things it provides group-by functionality for bcolz containers. See https://github.com/visualfabriq/bquery - `Bdot`: provides big dot products (by making your RAM bigger on the inside). Supports ``matrix . vector`` and ``matrix . matrix`` for most common numpy numeric data types. See https://github.com/tailwind/bdot Though not a extension itself, it is worth mentioning `Dask`. Dask plays nicely with bcolz and provides multi-core execution on larger-than-memory datasets using blocked algorithms and task scheduling. See https://github.com/dask/dask. In addition, bcolz also interacts well with `itertools`, `Pytoolz` or `Cytoolz` too and they might offer you already the amount of performance and functionality you are after. In the next section we will go through all the steps needed to write your own extension on top of bcolz. How to use bcolz as part of the infrastructure ---------------------------------------------- Go to the root directory of bcolz, inside ``docs/my_package/`` you will find a small extension example. Before you can run this example you will need to install the following packages. Run ``pip install cython``, ``pip install numpy`` and ``pip install bcolz`` to install these packages. In case you prefer Conda package management system execute ``conda install cython numpy bcolz`` and you should be ready to go. See ``requirements.txt``: .. literalinclude:: my_package/requirements.txt :language: python Once you have those packages installed, change your working directory to ``docs/my_package/``, please see `pkg. example `_ and run ``python setup.py build_ext --inplace`` from the terminal, if everything ran smoothly you should be able to see a binary file ``my_extension/example_ext.so`` next to the ``.pyx`` file. If you have any problems compiling these extensions, please make sure you have a recent version of bcolz as old versions (pre 0.8) don't contain the necessary ``.pxd`` file which provides a Cython interface to the carray Cython module. The ``setup.py`` file is where you will need to tell the compiler, the name of you package, the location of external libraries (in case you want to use them), compiler directives and so on. See `bcolz setup.py `_ as a possible reference for a more complete example. Along your project grows in complexity you might be interested in including other options to your `Extension` object, e.g. `include_dirs` to include a list of directories to search for C/C++ header files your code might be dependent on. See ``my_package/setup.py``: .. literalinclude:: my_package/setup.py :language: python The ``.pyx`` files is going to be the place where Cython code implementing the extension will be, in the example below the function will return a sum of all integers inside the carray. See ``my_package/my_extension/example_ext.pyx`` Keep in mind that carrays are great for sequential access, but random access will highly likely trigger decompression of a different chunk for each randomly accessed value. For more information about Cython visit http://docs.cython.org/index.html .. literalinclude:: my_package/my_extension/example_ext.pyx :language: python Let's test our extension: >>> import bcolz >>> import my_extension.example_ext as my_mod >>> c = bcolz.carray([i for i in range(1000)], dtype='i8') >>> my_mod.my_function(c) 499500