# sources #aux_source_directory(. SOURCES) file(GLOB SOURCES test_*.c) # flags link_directories(${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/blosc) # targets and tests foreach(source ${SOURCES}) get_filename_component(target ${source} NAME_WE) # test_nolock and test_noinit will be enabled only for Unix if(WIN32) if (target STREQUAL test_nolock OR target STREQUAL test_noinit OR target STREQUAL test_compressor) message("Skipping ${target} on Windows systems") continue() endif() endif() # test_compressor will be enabled only when LZ4 support is in if(target STREQUAL test_compressor AND DEACTIVATE_LZ4) message("Skipping ${target} on non-LZ4 builds") continue() endif() # Enable support for testing accelerated shuffles if(COMPILER_SUPPORT_SSE2) # Define a symbol so tests for SSE2 shuffle/unshuffle will be compiled in. set_property( SOURCE ${source} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS SHUFFLE_SSE2_ENABLED) endif(COMPILER_SUPPORT_SSE2) # if(COMPILER_SUPPORT_AVX2) # # Define a symbol so tests for AVX2 shuffle/unshuffle will be compiled in. # set_property( # SOURCE ${source} # APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS SHUFFLE_AVX2_ENABLED) # endif(COMPILER_SUPPORT_AVX2) add_executable(${target} ${source}) # Define the BLOSC_TESTING symbol so normally-hidden functions # aren't hidden from the view of the test programs. set_property( TARGET ${target} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS BLOSC_TESTING) # have to copy dlls for Visual Studio if(MSVC) if(MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1500) # This is an attempt to make VS2008 work, but no luck... # https://cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2014-October/058777.html SET(Configuration "Release") endif() add_custom_command( TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy_if_different "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/blosc/\$\(Configuration\)/blosc_testing.dll" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/\$\(Configuration\)/blosc_testing.dll") elseif(MINGW) add_custom_command( TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy_if_different "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/blosc/libblosc_testing.dll" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libblosc_testing.dll") endif() target_link_libraries(${target} blosc_testing) add_dependencies(${target} blosc_shared_testing) # If there's a CSV file present for this test, read it to get the list # of test parameters then add a test for each parameter set. # Otherwise, this is a simple test so just add it once. get_filename_component(source_extension ${source} EXT) string(REGEX REPLACE "${source_extension}$" ".csv" test_params_file ${source}) if (EXISTS "${test_params_file}") # Read the file contents into a CMake list file(READ "${test_params_file}" test_params_contents) string(REGEX REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" test_params_contents "${test_params_contents}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" test_params_contents "${test_params_contents}") # How many parameter sets for this test? # If there's not at least one (accounting for the CSV header line), # that's probably not correct so emit an error and stop configuring. list(LENGTH test_params_contents test_params_count) if ("${test_params_count}" LESS 2) message(ERROR "Invalid test parameters file: ${test_params_file}") endif() # Remove the header line. list(REMOVE_AT test_params_contents 0) # Add a test for each parameter set in the file. foreach(test_params_raw ${test_params_contents}) string(REGEX REPLACE "," " " test_params "${test_params_raw}") # Create the test name. # NOTE: The documentation for add_test says the test name "may not contain # spaces, quotes, or other characters special in CMake syntax." string(REGEX REPLACE "\"| " "_" test_name_params "${test_params}") set(test_name "${target}_${test_name_params}") separate_arguments(test_params) add_test(${test_name} ${target} ${test_params}) endforeach() else() add_test(${target} ${target}) endif() endforeach(source)